The Mississippi man's story of being hit by a police officer and buried without telling his family seemed to get worse and worse.


Wade Bettersten After Dexter Wade went missing, Robinson spent more than five months looking for him. When she finally did, she discovered that not only was her son dead, but that he had also been hit by an off-duty Jackson, Mississippi police officer and interred in a pauper's grave without her knowledge. Although she called the Jackson Police Department numerous times, it is still unclear why they never informed her that her son had passed away. Even with how dire things were, Hinds County found a way to exacerbate the situation.

Wade Robinson discovered her son's grave and asked for the body to be exhumed so that her family could have a fitting funeral and at last find some closure, according to ABC News. But when they arrived at the scheduled time to start the exhumation, all they discovered was an empty grave. It had been hours before his body was exhumed. It makes sense that she is both angry and certain that Hinds County did this on purpose:

Without asking my permission, they buried him. Wade Robinson, who was furious, said as she stood close to the empty gravesite outside the Raymond Detention Center on Monday morning, "They dug him up without my permission."

Wade Robinson sobbed, saying, "Now I asked, can I exhume my child and try to get some peace... now y'all take that from me." "I was unable to witness him emerge from the earth. Yall died before he had a chance to see him, so I missed it. I never saw him emerge from the earth. Hide away!

"No one obtained consent from the family to take Dexter outside during the wee hours of the morning. Crump informed reporters that "Ms. Bettersten Wade was supposed to be here at 11:30 to start the exhumation of her son, as per our agreement with the county, and they disrespected her." "And they went and pulled the body out of the ground like robbers in the night."

While acknowledging that it was a "very unfortunate" incident, County Administrator Kenny Wayne Jones told WAPT that there is "no cover-up or anything like that." Just a misunderstanding.

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